Here goes:
Vivo en Pullman con cuarto chicas y uno chico.
(I live in Pullman with four girls and one boy).
And on to bigger and better lists!
Just in case anyone wasn't already aware, I have an obsession with lists; I make them for everything. Colors, textures, disgusting words, multi-syllable words describing grass, sunflowers, different kinds of bouncy balls, breakfast foods, bridges, homework, things I can do, things I would like to do, things I shouldn't do, things I should do, things I will do, things I shouldn't have done...there are about a million more but today's list doesn't have to do with any of those.
The title is: banana
Josephine baker, queen of the banana dance
banana split
banana spider

banana boat
banana man
My procrastination has been pretty successful so far (the banana split looks really good), but I have a Spanish test tomorrow to study for and creative writing pieces to critique as well as one of my own to write (which will be posted when it's done, critiques always welcome).
I'm thinking about just bringing a sleeping bag to the Daily Grind with me next time since I am here so often. I like being at my house but when I try and study there I either fall asleep or get distracted talking to people. It's fun, but not a good way to ace a Spanish test.
Oh! I almost forgot my most exciting news of all. My snow boots from Urban Outfitters arrived yesterday and now I am invincible. I could scale a vertical ice wall with these things, its completely exhilarating.
I purposely walked over all the icy spots where I've had altercations in the last two weeks and gave the ground a dirty look, 'take that sucka'.
Here is a photo of the magic:

Hi Josie!
I love your new blog!
Why "coffee and bricks?"
dad (spelled backwards to protect my identity)
Hi Josie,
Cool blog.
I'm looking forward to reading more!!
Ocean Gran
Hey Josie,
Go for the broccoli/pasta salad, but watch out for those organic worms! Why do they always seem to hide in the broccoli?
Love the blog. This is fun.
Hey the 'dad' blogger had a great idea. I think I'll follow suit and spell my name backwards to protect my identity!
from "mom"
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