Tuesday, December 29, 2009

legends told twice to television cartoons

hola, new york. it's cold here and i rode the subway beneath manhattan for a few minutes today to the 125th street stop and carried my suitcase up stairs into new air. it tastes different here and time is a little different too, but i'm passing it fine in coffee shops and bars. ollie is a few hours behind me on an airplane from denver and he's got the apartment keys in his pocket so i've been making friends with baristas and cold city streets.

and i suddenly want a hula hoop and balloons and a living room blanket fort (inside i'd find materials for constructing a marshmallow and toothpick cathedral and a pastel colored replica of the alamo).

 i found more of my jesus collection while i was home, but i don't have anything like this. i want jesus to tell me what time it is, especially if it's time covered in christmas lights.

 road trip destination: yeovil town. i want to see the annual balloon race

 california kids are alright, sure, but northwestern boys and girls are better. it's something in the air we breathe.

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